
HAPPY NEW YEAR – January Is The Best Time To Get Your Priorities Straight

Happy 2020, everyone! I hope you had a wonderful 2019 and are ready to take on the new year with excitement, renewed energy and enthusiasm!

As for me: I have been doing a little better physically, but I am far from where I want to be. Still, an improvement is an improvement, no matter how small, and I take every teeny tiny flicker of victory as exactly that: a victory 🙂

As 2019 was rounding up, something magical happened: my youngest niece J. was born! As many of you probably know, we lost her sister I. in 2017. The impact of this loss caught up to me in a thousandfold as I held the newest member of our family in my arms for the first time. J. will probably never know how grateful I am for her presence, her heartbeat, her perfect existence in this less than perfect World ❤

I can honestly say I have never enjoyed holding babies much (something with them being so fragile and their head needing support), but this baby I’ve already held more times than I did the others combined. I keep finding myself in strategic positions so that her parents will pass her on to my arms, which they always do, heheh.

Something else happened: my *attacks* have lessened. That is to say, I still get sick and it still happens on a weekly basis. But it’s no longer always on a Wednesday and the force of the attacks has decreased. Seems like my homeopathic diet is working 🙂 I’ve also picked up working out, albeit on a very low level of intensity. I’ve had my first run since four months a little while ago and even did half a Body Pump workout a week ago. I am still exhausted after every exercise, but at least doing something is better than nothing.

And then there was the final realisation of 2019 that turned my whole world upside-down: I’ve been investing so much energy into this one particular someone, it’s literally been keeping me up at night.

When all went wrong again and my worries peaked again and I saw that person again and they pretended their life was A-okay again, it finally hit me: that person will never learn to take responsibility for their own actions, problems and happiness if I keep rushing to the rescue. I am wasting my energy on them. Energy that I very much need myself.

So I stopped worrying. I stopped wasting this much of myself on them, and decided it was time to choose for myself. To invest all that extra energy I now have into myself! 😀

And that realisation is the driving force behind my new goals:

I figured the dating is optional, but if I feel good and my business is making a profit, why not consider finding a partner? Who knows, in the worst case I’ll end up alone, like I am now, but I’ll surely feel fine about it because I’ll already have reached goals 1 and 2.

And just because making my business as a life coach a success is number two on the list, doesn’t mean I’ll not spend time on it now. My list of goals are actually my current priorities. Feeling healthy and content should always be everyone’s top priority.

It’s never been mine, though. I was always busy taking care of others…

In that light, me feeling terrible is a good thing. Because it showed me right where my flaws were: never was I really focused on me.

My goals (or priorities) have given me a renewed drive to work on myself and something to write about. For a while I was struggling where to take this blog to. I tried several things that weren’t really me. But now I’ve found something to occupy myself with that I can use as a topic for my writings as well.

I say that’s a happy start of 2020!

It’s just a bit sad I have to drive back to the restaurant at the other side of the country tomorrow, because that’s where I lost my credit card today… Well, at least they’ve found it and kept it secure, and the journey gives me (plenty of) time to rehearse Mika’s new songs before his concert in February.

How have you all been doing? Any resolutions or goals for 2020? Let me know! 🙂

26 thoughts on “HAPPY NEW YEAR – January Is The Best Time To Get Your Priorities Straight”

  1. Here I am, so late in wishing you a wonderful 2020 — my goal is to wake each day with joy of being alive. So far I’m doing pretty well, which is saying a lot for me 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, I have missed reading your posts, Samantha! Blame it on father time :/
    I am glad to know your priorities are in the right place. Health is indeed most important, a lesson I learned myself recently. Wishing you the best as always. And congrats on the new addition to your family ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Ah dear Samantha, so happy to hear you are slowly getting better again 🙂 Congratulations with your niece and wishing you a sparkling 2020 ! Big hugs, XxX

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Thriving and busy with various ‘things’ as usual. At the moment, baking bread and cooking a vegetable soup 🙂 Looking forward to connect and create again this year.

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    1. Thank you! She’s incredibly adorable (but aren’t all babies? 😉). Happy New Year to you, too! Any goals you’ll be working on specifically this year?

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      1. Yes, a bit is happening. When you have a few minutes, go look up my January 1 post, “Prayer request.” Also, I’m sorry that you’ve been ill. I hope you turn the corner on that and are restored to full health very soon. J.

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      1. Yes, set a new APF National Raw Deadlift record for my age & weight, increase my blog readership to over 300 per week and publish another book. Thanks for asking Samantha.

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        1. I think I’ve asked you three times now, at least 😂 You’re going to have to excuse me for that, I’m afraid. Your goals sound amazing and I am sure you’ll succeed at all of them.

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    1. That’s a wonderful goal (I say that because I do that for a living and I love doing it for a living!) I hope you don’t forget yourself in the process 😉 (which I only say because I often do). I hope you have a great day, too!

      Liked by 1 person

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