Letters to Life

Letters to Life (64)

“Don’t stumble over something behind you”Seneca the Younger

Dear Life,

Old habits die hard, or so they say. I am afraid this might be true, as I find myself still questioning almost every move I make as if everyone else has been given the almighty power to weigh me – and possibly find me too light.

What has come over me? I wish I knew what drives that part of me, as I am the first to tell anyone either willing or unwilling to listen that other’s opinions are just that: opinions. If somebody thinks what you did was stupid, it does not make you a stupid person. It just means you did something considered silly by someone else.

Two things happened this week that caused me to experience a few moments of self-doubt: First, I raised my wages for coaching. Although this made me feel a bit icky, it also felt right. I was able to rationalise my move and thus feel okay about it.

Second, I didn’t dare to share that weekly success in my coaching community. Why? I was too scared somebody would travel to my website, take a peek at my new wages, then make the journey back to their keyboard just to tell me I am not worth my prices.

For thirty-plus years I’ve lived in constant fear of somebody telling me I am not worth it, Life.

That has to stop. From this day forward, I am going to show myself the love and attention I am worth. I am going to actively appreciate myself for the next seven days at least (and then some).

Feeling worthless is like a dress that no longer suits me; I’ve outgrown it. It’s old and worn-down and I am tired of the way it looks on me.

I’m going to replace it, Life, finally. Because I AM worth it 🙂

Are you aware you are a worthy being? Or are you still figuring it out (like me)? Let me know in a comment! ↓↓

18 thoughts on “Letters to Life (64)”

  1. unfortunately I can relate all too well — I try to remind myself that it’s practice, not perfection… wishing you joy & success, Samantha — you are truly worth it all 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s silly, isn’t it, that so many of us share these feelings yet we’re stuck in being afraid of each other’s opinions rather than find connection through it all. Us humans are complicated creatures sometimes 😂


  2. I don’t feel worth it a lot of the time. I know that it comes from being bullied in school when I was little. To this day, I always feel inadequate in some way. It is a little better these days.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Likewise, Tony. I think bullying breaks down much more than most people think. But I think you’re worth it! We shouldn’t give up on ourselves now because people in our past did.

      Liked by 1 person

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